All posts by doodles2love

MINI DOODLES HAVE ARRIVED!!Ruby gave birth to 6 beautiful doodle puppies on Saturday evening. The vet checked them today and says they are extremely healthy and strong. Ruby is such a sweet mother ~ will barely leave them to eat or go potty. One of the little guys has a tiny heart on the top…

Millie Mae

… I attached a few pictures so you all can see how much she has changed since we brought her home. She is a big 18.8 pounds and has finally caught up to Otis (our poodle). They are the best of friends and absolutely adore each other. She is definitely keeping him young because they…

We are so excited! Ruby and Riley are expecting F1 Mini Goldendoodles next month! The puppies will be ready to go to their new homes in April. Spring is the perfect time to bring home that special puppy companion. 🙂 Give me a call for more information ~ I’d love to talk with you. 502…

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